How do you tell whether someone is a good person or is just faking it

shilaiwo bo
4 min readAug 24, 2020


  • Good people do good things and think about how to benefit others. People who pretend to be good consider how to benefit their reputation.
  • A really good person will do things that will be considered bad for the time being, but will prove to be good in the long run. To be a good person, to be a good person is to be afraid to do such a thing.
  • The pretended good man is an opportunist, and his good performance must be seen by people.
  • The real good people believe in goodness. Their goodness is more like a kind of faith. They don’t care whether the world can be seen or not. Even if they are not seen, they will do good things.

I am a very easygoing person. Most people think I am very nice.

In fact, sometimes when people say that I am good, I will feel that because of the cowardly part of the personality, and the formation of that kind of personality, will give people such a “good” impression.

I began to wonder whether I was good because I was weak, or because I was good.

One day something like this happened,

A friend and I were driving and saw a black car with a window film on it. It looked like there was a baby in it. There was no one else in the car, and it was very hot that day.

I think of the news that I read in the past that there was such a thing that children died in the car in summer, but our car passed the car and drove hundreds of meters.

I was very worried. I drove a little bit further and thought it was not right. I took a big circle and turned the car back to the black car.

Finally found a false alarm, in fact, is only a few pieces of unfolded baby clothes.

After that, my friends said I was a “good man.”.

This led me to think about the word “good.”.

My conclusion is that the cowardly good people may not go back to do a good job in such a situation of benefiting others but not themselves.

And people who have a certain kind of good will make a decision to help others in such things that will not bring any benefits.

Therefore, the pretended good man is an opportunist, and his good must be visible good.

The real good people believe in the good, and their good is more like a kind of faith. They don’t care whether the world can see them or not. Even if they can’t see them, they will carry out his good deeds.

But I thought about it carefully,

In fact, all the camouflage expresses another kind of reality. All take off the camouflage, put aside is another part of the self. If there is a person who is willing to wear a mask of kindness in front of you, you can believe that it is what he is.

If we really say the difference, it is that the personality of the latter is more diverse, while the former is relatively single, while the latter pretends to be a good person suffers from the mental torture of different appearances. However, the real good people live simply and calmly, and there are always two voices arguing in the heart of the latter. However, the inner voice of the former tends to be calm, and he can make many decisions in line with “a good man” without struggling.

In fact, I don’t believe in the existence of one-sided real good people. Most of us are closer to pretending to be good people in the problem. We can’t be really pure and kind forever. Just like me, I also have times when I will be cowardly in the face of things. We may not be able to “pretend to be good people for a lifetime”, but if we can repel and cover up those “bad ideas” when they come, we can even meet the standard of “being a good person”.

I believe that even saints have weak and hesitant moments, and even villains have moments when they want to help others sincerely. Human is such a complex animal, how can it be simply defined by good people and bad people?

In this way, I think that people who can pretend to be good people all their life but still have another personality in their hearts are more admirable.

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thank you guys followed me !



shilaiwo bo

love cat ,travling ,and cooking but good at relationships.